Saturday, January 3, 2015

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

I randomly found snickerdoodle milk in the grocery store and I just knew there was a cupcake to be made there. I picked it up and promptly forgot about it. I just noticed that it was reaching the end of its shelf-life so I used it to bake up a batch of cupcakes real quick. Then the frosting and the cookies, not so quick ;) Plus K.C. got me a Kitchenaid stand mixer for Christmas so a batch of cupcakes + frosting + cookies was the perfect opportunity to break it in! Yes that means I've been burning up hand mixers making my cupcakes all this time :)

For the cake:
1 box yellow cake mix
1 cup Snickerdoodle milk (or regular milk and add cinnamon)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs

Mix it up and bake the cupcakes at 330.

Here is the milk I found.

For the frosting:
I used this recipe.

I was afraid it would be grainy (because of the granulated sugar), but once I got it mixed up real good it was fine. And it tastes pretty good too. A lot lighter than buttercream.

For the cookies:
I used this one.

No, mine are not super light and fluffy like they are supposed to be, but they still taste great. I'm sure it's because I used the wrong flour. I had self-rising so I left out the baking soda. Guess it doesn't work quite like that. But would you look at that tiny little cookie on top of the cupcake??

I've probably said this before, but I think this is my favorite cupcake ever. The flavors work really well together! In fact this cupcake was so good that halfway through it I thought "I need to put this on the blog NOW. People need these in their lives." And so I did, before I even cleaned up the mixing bowls.

-Happy Baking!

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